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How Art Can Boost Your Mental Health (No Talent Required)

How Art Can Boost Your Mental Health (No Talent Required)

Art can be a powerful tool for improving your mood and well-being. You don’t need to be an expert or have any talent to enjoy the benefits of drawing, music, writing or other creative activities.

According to a study by researchers at Drexel University, making art can reduce stress levels and improve psychological resilience, regardless of skill level. The study involved 39 adults who were asked to make art in a studio setting for 45 minutes. The researchers measured their cortisol levels (a hormone associated with stress) before and after the session, and found that 75% of the participants experienced a significant decrease in cortisol.

The researchers also found that participants reported feeling more relaxed, happy and creative after making art. Some of them even said they felt like they had entered a meditative state.

Another study by researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand found that engaging in creative activities can boost positive emotions and reduce negative ones. The study involved 658 young adults who were asked to keep a daily diary of their mood and creative activities for 13 days. The researchers found that on days when participants did more creative things, such as cooking, knitting, painting or writing, they reported higher levels of enthusiasm, interest, inspiration and excitement.

The researchers also found that doing creative activities on one day had a spillover effect on the next day, enhancing well-being and happiness. They suggested that creativity can help people cope with everyday challenges and stressors by providing a sense of accomplishment and meaning.

So how can you incorporate more art into your life? Here are some tips:

  • Choose an activity that you enjoy and that suits your personality. You don’t have to stick to traditional forms of art, such as painting or drawing. You can also try photography, collage, pottery, gardening, sewing or anything else that sparks your interest.
  • Don’t worry about the outcome or compare yourself to others. The point is not to produce a masterpiece, but to have fun and express yourself. Focus on the process rather than the product, and enjoy the sensations, colors, sounds and emotions that art can evoke.
  • Set aside some time and space for your art. You don’t need a lot of time or equipment to make art. You can use whatever materials you have at hand, such as pencils, paper, magazines, scissors or glue. You can also use online tools or apps to create digital art. Find a comfortable and quiet place where you can relax and let your imagination flow.
  • Share your art with others or keep it private. You can choose to show your art to your friends, family or online community, or you can keep it for yourself. Either way, you can benefit from the feedback, support or appreciation that others can offer, or from the personal satisfaction and reflection that art can provide.

Art can be a simple and effective way to enhance your mental health and well-being. You don’t need any talent or skill to enjoy its benefits. All you need is some curiosity, creativity and willingness to try something new.

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